22 trumps according to the question · Part I
This is Part I of a series of reflections on the function of the 22 trumps of the Marseille Tarot
Part I
I always thought that straight fortunetelling is all about deduction coupled with insight about the human condition, when the human condition designates suffering. How do people navigate suffering? You put the cards down, and you read them according to people’s predicament. A predicament cannot be formulated without an implicit question. If the question is explicit, all the better, for the answer will be precise and on target.
I never read without a question simply because a reading without a question produces generalities. Generalities don’t move me. And I know that a general statement about a predicament doesn’t move the other I read for either.
Let’s have a quick look at how we can think of the trumps as carrying significance according to the question, as the cards lend themselves to both the interpretation of the image and deduction. This is Part I covering 11 cards. For Part II go here.
In a question about capacity the Magician suggests that you’re not as capable as you think. You may be skilful at a trick, but being good at waving your arms about does not equal capacity. ‘Fake it till you make it’ does not mean that you actually know what you’re doing.
If this card presents itself to you, ask yourself why you con yourself – and invariably others – and whether it’s all worth it, especially if the Moon is also present. The last thing you want in the world, if you’re into navigating through your suffering, is to project utter shit thinking it’s ‘skills’ and capability.
In a question about inclination the Popess suggests that you be curious. Read. Read everything. Without inspiration from books, images, and reading other people – the latter without judgment – there’s no way you’re going to know what you’re inclined towards. All questions about ‘finding your path’ and following direction begin with an act of reading. Without polishing your vocabulary, there’s no focus.
In a question about purpose the Empress suggests that you get the power if you get the man. Yes, I know, it’s not fair. Culturally speaking, while the Emperor is thought of as the sovereign, the Empress is thought of as the consort. We can resist this nonsense, of course, and try to change this symbolic order of things, but if you want quick results, pay attention to what happens when you shift your focus from the Empress as an independent woman, and see her instead as a person who exercises her power solely via her husband and children. I bet you’ll get more out of it, as she does, especially if the Sun is also in the picture.
In a question about strategy the Emperor suggests that what it takes to win is knowing what battlefield you’re on. Is it open, closed, hot or cold? What war are you at, and with whom? ‘In times of peace, you think of war,’ the sages of old had it, and they are right. The Emperor doesn’t merely sit on a throne. His most active job is actually called guarding: guarding the throne, the castle, and his territory. Rulership takes this vigilant guarding into account. Think of it next time you see the Emperor and you get excited about your sovereignty. You pay a price for it that’s not always the most attractive.
The only good news is that strategizing is a lot of fun when you’re skilled at it, but being good at it presupposes a keen sense of knowing your place. Yes, you are the ruler, but you’re not exempt from knowing at all times how and why you rule. Just abstractly being the ruler won’t cut it. What makes you a good ruler is knowing your place and the correct time for every act. Without knowledge of these two, you’re merely a fool who thinks he has power. Beware of the Emperor next to the Fool.
In a question about meeting the significant other the Pope suggests that you can rejoice. It’s in the picture, your marriage. You’ll get the blessing. When that is said, and considering the Pope’s rather blasé gesture, not even looking at the two kneeling before him, think of the idea of a disengaged person performing the counsel. I can’t help thinking of the Pope thinking, ‘it’s just a bloody job’. How cynical, but such an attitude exists.
My point is that you should not expect with the Pope’s blessing the idea that whatever it is he is consecrating will also last forever. When you break the news to them that they’re going to get married, if they ask about that, some think, ‘oh, what a relief,’ fallaciously anticipating the grand ‘forever happy.’ If giving his blessing is ‘just a job’ for the Pope, you can think of the same when you seek his counsel in connection with your ideas of divorce. The Pope won’t endorse it, as such. After all, he is a man of the church and there’s a tradition for keeping a record of what you get to own via marriage: the man owns the woman and the woman owns the man, that is to say, if both parties are in for symmetrical relations, which is also not always a given. Culturally speaking, what is a given is that more men than women own their partners. If the Pope is next to Justice, we can deduce via the function of these cards that we’re here in the presence of ‘the right one for you.’ But I wouldn’t lose sight of Justice being a representative of the court, where divorce battles are lost and won. The third card in your string of three will determine which scenario is the case.
In a question about doing what you like the Lovers card suggests agony: the agony of love. Most get excited when they get this card, but as far as I can see, an agony is an agony and therefore quite removed from bliss. It’s not that you don’t know which one to choose, but that you don’t know what’s culturally appropriate. And yes, we want to talk about a young man’s anxiety about what’s culturally appropriate because it exists. I have as yet to meet young persons who even have the slightest clue about doing what they like. What would that be? Who is to determine it? And let us not confuse being under cultural pressure with the knowing that you’re now free to fuck, especially if you’ve reached a certain age. The lovers card is not about fucking, even if it may appear to be so. It’s about anxiety and how to avoid being fucked by circumstance.
When it comes to choosing for marriage, many young men I know have gone for the woman who can act as a front, who is respectable, successful, and willing to both breed children and care for the house. Oh wow, that’s so exciting, isn’t it? When doing what you like is equal to playing it safe for the gallery, how convincing is the choice? On my part, I steer away from both the ambivalent types who can’t make up their minds and the ones who calculate the odds. If the Judgment card is also in the picture, I know already what the deal is all about, namely, about being loud and showing off. How boring. I pass on this one.
In a question about drive whether literal or Freudian, the Charioteer suggests momentum: ‘Now is the time. Go for it.’ The only thing you might wish to consider is your speed, especially if the Tower card is in the picture. Crashing is not a good idea, unless you do it on purpose for a stunt show.
Normally you’d think that the Charioteer discloses knowing where you’re going, but don’t be so sure. Some drive in their cars for the sheer pleasure of it, though doing it to enjoy nature and some rural ruins is less and less common. No one has the time for such trivial pursuits. Your drive has to have purpose, it has to go somewhere. Granted, having a goal may be a good idea, especially if you’re duly submitting to the cultural constraints that dictate this: ‘you must state your purpose, and not only that, but you must also make a statement as to how you’ll achieving your goal.’ Culture is so tedious in its demands, and we give in, but is stating a purpose the same as actually having one? How many people you know have a purpose that they’ve arrived at through self-reflection? I can only name a few Zen masters who fall into that category. The rest, well, let’s just say that most drive around showing off their cars, and thinking that the fancy car equals power, speed, motivation, clear direction, and arrival. Sigh… if only…
In a question about choice Justice suggests that whatever you go for, it’s the right thing for you. I bet you thought that the card for choice is the Lovers. Well, think again. When Justice appears we’re with the idea that righteousness is not only something that nasty politicians and opportunists profess. I live in Denmark. The most fascist oriented parties invoke ‘just cause’ in their propaganda. I want to pull my hair. What ‘just cause’? Since when is the color of skin a dividing line for what is just and proper? Setting boundaries for the ones whose labor you actually need is not a virtuous act.
Justice as a virtue is about seeing things as they are, not about seeing things as you fancy seeing them. Think of that next time you see Justice in the picture. If she’s with the Pope, consider getting that marriage counseling done. If she’s with the Tower, say goodbye to your husband. Your possessions will stay with you, if the Empress is in the picture.
In a question about making a difference the Hermit suggests that you can forget about it. What difference? What’s up with this illusion? Culturally speaking, you don’t even have to hit the 40s, before you realize that ‘work’ is overrated. But since you didn’t bother to save up when you were in your 20s and 30s, you have to keep at it. Who’s going to pay your bills? When the Hermit retreats to some cave, that is to say, if he has the luxury to do so, all he’ll ever question is this: ‘what is my need, really? Can I even name one?’ This latter question, however, presupposes a lot of discarding to begin with, for it’s difficult to shed the capitalist schooling that will have you convinced that your life is all about giving in to both your fears and desires.
When the Hermit shows up, you can be sure that he’ll be ready to tackle head on this very marketing strategy that relies on inducing fear and desire in anyone who is unable to ask the simple question: ‘fear of what exactly, and desire of what exactly?’ When the Moon is also in the picture, we’re in for a real rejection of shit. We can all rejoice. The Hermit is our savior, actually. This card is not about existential issues that your classical literature on the tarot will instruct you is the case, but about saying, ‘I don’t think so. Whatever bullshit you have for me, I don’t need it. You can threaten me all you want, but I’m telling you, I need nothing at all.’
Wheel of Fortune
In questions about power the Wheel of Fortune suggests you have none. You have power by virtue of existing, but in the larger scheme of things, considering also all that connects us, there’s no ‘I’m special.’ You are not any more special than the others caught in the wheel of things. Things go up and down and you go up and down with them. It’s not even sure you get to know who’s pulling the lever. One thing is clear: It’s not you who gets to decide.
If the Wheel of Fortune is next to Force, we get the idea of resisting the course things take beyond your control. You may try to overpower the situation, but it’s not sure you can succeed. If you do succeed, it’s not sure that you’ll be proclaimed a hero and get a medal. The best you can do is look at the others who share the same predicament and show some compassion for them. Competing is useless. You can be bold and hope that fortune will favor you, but that would be playing a game of chance. Playing games with your luck can be very entertaining, but risking your luck is not the same as experiencing a transfer of power.
You may not exactly associate the Wheel of Fortune with lack of agency, but this is where you’re at when this card is in the picture. The only wisdom here is to know that things change. The question of who is to be master belongs to a different category.
In questions of dominance Force suggests that the premise for your actions is strong. The conditions for you to win are in your favor. All you need to do is raise your voice, or get your hands into the hair of the beast that resists taming. You do this reluctantly, you lose. The beast will overpower you. Why would you be reluctant? Well, think about it. There’s such a thing as ‘political correctness’, ‘me too’ manifestoes, and other such cultural revolutions that can render you reluctant. While deliberating to what extent you can allow yourself to overpower the beast, the table can turn on you. While investigating to what extent you’re on the same page with others, you may find out that you lost momentum. Not good.
Sometimes recognizing the fact that you can’t negotiate with the beast is the best way to go, political correctness or not. So what if others will think you’re dominant? What if you must be just that, dominant? Letting an animal’s howl be the voice of the advocate is not always a good idea. Instead, you may work on your own transmissions. Make them coherent. Know also when the ones you’re talking to actually speak another language. If Force is next to the Devil, you can be sure that what you’ll get out of it is mishandling of the gross kind.
End of Part I. Part II is here. For reading examples of these cards in context, check out my book, The Power of the Trumps and Pips.
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Check out my books on the philosophy and practice of divination at EyeCorner Press.
Get a reading. When I perform a reading, I also teach, simply because I can’t help myself, so you will be twice served.